The My Local Taxes application provides the general public 2023 Sedgwick County property ownership, tax assessment and tax distribution information which funds 2024 local and state government operations. It can be used on a desktop PC, mobile phone, and tablet device.
To locate a parcel, simply click on the map or enter an address or parcel number in the search box and select a parcel from the list.
This application offers a map-based view of 2023 tax parcel information that enables supporting agencies, organizations and the general public to locate an area of interest and review common information about a particular parcel. It offers a standard overview of property data including 2023 tax distribution information.
You are able to search for a specific address or parcel number and view property characteristics.
There are three primary ways to identify an area of interest. You can interact directly with the map and click on a parcel when you've located it. You can search for a parcel using a full or partial address, or Parcel ID. Or, you can also use your current location to locate the nearest parcel. **mobile device must have location services turned on.**
There are several ways to interact with the map:
1. Use the base map switcher (not available on smartphones) to select the base map you'd like to interact with
2. Hold down the shift key and drag a box on the map to zoom in
3. Hold down Ctrl+Shift to zoom out
4. Roll your mouse roller to zoom in/out
5. Use the zoom in(+) or out(-) buttons
The search box can be used to find a parcel:
1. Enter a complete or partial address, or Parcel ID. For best search results, always abbreviate street directions and do not use any punctuation or special characters.
2. Click on the item in the results list to locate the parcel on the map
3. Double-click within the search box to clear
After searching for a respective parcel and selecting it from the list, the parcel will be highlighted on the map. At the same time, relevant information will be presented by two tabs within the information popup.
In the Property tab, you'll find general tax parcel characteristics including three hyperlinks:
1. LOCAL TAX REPORT: Selecting this hyperlink will display detailed information describing how your 2023 tax dollars are distributed.
2. LOCAL HISTORIC TAX REPORT: Selecting this hyperlink will display information about your taxes from this year and the previous four years.
3. PROPERTY TAXES & APPRAISALS: Selecting this hyperlink will display the Sedgwick County Tax Information web page displaying additional tax history information.
In the Land tab, you'll find the size of the parcel as well as the abbreviated legal description.
You can click on the Share Map button to share your map several different ways. You can compose an email, post to your Facebook wall or post a Tweet. When you use the Facebook or Twitter links, you'll be asked to sign in to your respective account.
Sedgwick County GIS was initiated in 1996 when the Board of County Commissioners consolidated the county mapping functions for more efficient operations, better customer service, and to put Sedgwick County at the leading edge of technology.
Questions? Feel free to contact us at 316-660-9290 or